The Rajasthan Anganwadi Karyakarta avm Sahayika Union held a demonstration at the Rajasthan State Assembly on 25th Feb 2009. They had presented their memorandum to the government but it had taken no steps regarding those demands till now.
Rajasthan Anganwadi Karyakarta evam Sahayika Union (CITU) again submitted a memorandum to the State Chief Minister and Minister of Woman and Child Development, Rajasthan on 17th November 2009, regarding some crucial issues of anganwadi workers and helpers.
The main demands are: universalisation of ICDS, no privatization of ICDS, recognise anganwadi workers and helpers as Grade III and Grade IV government employees, till then pay minimum wage to them at the rate of Rs. 5000 to workers and Rs. 3000 to helpers, reservation in supervisor’s post, provision of ESI, Pension etc social security, to stop corruption in ICDS etc