Constitution of the All India Federation of
Anganwadi Workers and Helpers
(As amended in the 10th Conference of AIFAWH held at Madurai, Tamilnadu, 6-9 December 2022)
The name of the organisation shall be All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (to be designated in abbreviated form as ‘AIFAWH’)
The flag of AIFAWH will be red in colour with the length and breadth of the ratio of 3:2. The letters ‘AIFAWH’ will be written in red letters vertically inside a white band on the pole side of the flag.
- AIFAWH will endeavour to unite all the anganwadi workers and helpers in the country to achieve their demands
- AIFAWH will fight for the rights of anganwadi workers and helpers and for the improvement in their working conditions
- AIFAWH will strive to promote united struggles of the different unions of the anganwadi workers and helpers in the country
- AIFAWH will join the struggles of the working class and other democratic movements against the economic policies of the government which put burdens on the common people while protecting the interests of the exploiting classes
- AIFAWH will actively promote and struggle for ensuring the right of every child to the basic needs including the right to nutritious food, health, education, quality child care and a healthy environment
- AIFAWH will support the genuine demands of other sections of people like agricultural workers, peasants, women, youth and students etc, and will seek their support in the struggles of the anganwadi workers and helpers
- AIFAWH will raise its voice against social oppression, prejudices, and all such ideas and activities that tend to divide the working class in general and the anganwadi workers and helpers in particular. It will conduct a relentless campaign for the unity of the working people and conduct educative programmes to promote scientific thinking, sense of social equality and unity among the anganwadi workers and helpers and the beneficiaries of the Integrated Child Development Services.
The headquarters of the AIFAWH will be located in New Delhi. The competent body may, however, temporarily shift the headquarters to any other place.
The financial year of AIFAWH will be from April to March.
AIFAWH will be a Federation of affiliated unions/Associations. Unions of anganwadi workers and helpers in the states, registered under the Trade Unions Act or Associations of registered unions will be eligible for affiliation to AIFAWH. Any such registered union/Association shall apply for affiliation in the prescribed form (Annexure 1) signifying its willingness to abide by the Constitution of AIFAWH and also to carry out the decisions and calls of AIFAWH, besides paying the affiliation fees as prescribed.
Any unregistered union/Association affiliated to AIFAWH will be given one year time to get registered under the Trade Unions Act
Each affiliated union shall pay an affiliation fee at the rate of two rupees (Re. 2.00) per member per calendar year subjected to a minimum of Rupees one hundred (Rs 100/-).
The affiliation fee shall be paid by 30th June each year along with duly filled affiliation form, a copy of the annual returns submitted to the labour department and a copy of the accounts audited by a chartered accountant or any competent authority as per the constitution of the union.
- AIFAWH believes that democratic functioning of the organisation at all levels and of its constituents is essential to achieve the above objectives
- Democratic functioning of the organisation requires periodic meeting and collective functioning of the various bodies of the AIFAWH and its affiliated unions
- AIFAWH Working Committee will have the responsibility to ensure that the state committees and other bodies that may be elected function democratically, according to the rules laid down by the organisation
The all India Conference of AIFAWH will be held once in three years. It will be the highest organ of authority of AIFAWH.
The Conference will consist of delegates elected by the constituent unions.
The affiliated unions will be entitled to elect delegates on the basis to be decided each time by the Working Committee prior to the Conference. The Working Committee may delegate this authority to the Secretariat.
The Working Committee members will be ex officio delegates to the Conference.
The Working Committee will be empowered to take policy decisions in between two Conferences.
Only conference delegates will be eligible for election to the Working Committee and as Office Bearers.
The number of the Working Committee members will be decided by the Conference at each session.
The Secretariat shall consist of 25 members including the following
- President 1
- Vice Presidents 9
- General Secretary 1
- Secretaries 13
- Treasurer 1
The number of Secretariat may be decided by the Conference at each session.
The Secretariat will have the responsibility of implementing the decisions of the Working Committee. In case of emergency the Secretariat will have the authority to act on any issue, subject to subsequent approval of the Working Committee.
Notice of the meetings of the Working Committee, Secretariat and the triennial Conference shall be issued by the General Secretary and in her absence, by one of the Secretaries.
At least 15 days’ notice shall be given for the meetings of Working Committee and the Secretariat. At least one month’s notice shall be given for the AIFAWH Conference. Emergency meeting of the Working Committee can be called by giving a notice of 7 days.
The quorum at the all India Conference and at the meetings of the Working Committee of AIFAWH, the state conferences, state committees and state councils shall be one third of delegates or members of the respective committees.
14. FUND
The fund of the AIFAWH shall be kept in any nationalised bank in the name of AIFAWH to be operated by any two of the three, namely the President, General Secretary and the Treasurer.
The AIFAWH may accept donations and may also give call for fund from its members as and when required.
All expenditure shall be incurred with the sanction of the Working Committee. The General Secretary and the Secretariat shall however, be competent to incur expenditure on day to day activities and on emergency, subject to approval by the Working Committee. The Treasurer is required to ensure proper maintenance of the accounts.
Similarly, the fund of the affiliated unions of AIFAWH and all committees of the unions up to project/sector level shall be kept in any nationalised bank in the name of the Union, to be operated by any two of the three office bearers, namely President, General Secretary and Treasurer of that committee.
The fund of AIFAWH shall be audited every year by any Chartered Accountant. The audited accounts shall be placed before the Working Committee every year and before the Conference for all the years for which the Conference shall be held.
The Working Committee shall constitute an internal audit committee consisting of 3 Working Committee members other than the Office Bearers.
Similarly, the fund of the affiliated unions of AIFAWH shall audited every year by a chartered accountant as well as an internal audit committee. The state committees shall audit the accounts of all committees up to project/sector levl.
- The Working Committee shall have the power to disaffiliate any union which fails to pay its affiliation dues, or which is wilfully working against the interests and the constitution of AIFAWH.
- The Working Committee shall have the power to remove any office bearer guilty of working against the interests and the constitution of AIFAWH. It shall have the right to take a similar action against any member of the Working Committee. Before taking any such action the person concerned shall be given an opportunity to explain her/ his conduct.
- The individuals or unions concerned have the right to appeal to the AIFAWH Conference against action taken by the AIFAWH Working Committee.
- The state committees and other bodies shall have similar rights in relation to their members.
The authority to amend the Constitution lies with the Conference. Amendments proposed should be circulated among member unions and state committees at least 2 months prior to the Conference.
The state unions/associations shall frame their constitution/ rules not inconsistent with the rules under the constitution of AIFAWH.
Annexure 1
Application form for affiliation
(Vide Section 6)
General Secretary,
13A, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-2
1. Name of the Union: ..........................................
2. Name of the State: ............................................
3. Registration Number: …....................................
4. Address of the Union: ………............................
5. Whether the Union is affiliated to any Central Trade Union and if so, the name of the Central Trade Union to which affiliated. ............................
6. Whether the union is affiliated to any other Association of workers/employees, if so give the details...................................................................
7. Total number of members in year.....................
We agree to abide by the constitution of the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers and also to carry out the decisions and calls of the AIFAWH and request you to affiliate our Union to the Federation.
General Secretary