1. Allot adequate funds for universalisation of ICDS to cover all the children below six years in the country, by 2010
2. No Privatisation of ICDS, including the supply, preparation and distribution of supplementary nutrition
3. Ensure regular supply of good quality supplementary nutrition in sufficient quantities in all the anganwadi centres throughout the country.
4. Locally acceptable food should be prepared and served in the anganwadi centres and not Ready To Eat food. There should be no Take Home Ration
5. Include the under six children in Right to Education Act
6. Strengthen the ECE component of ICDS by imparting the necessary training to the anganwadi workers; provide uniforms, toys etc to the children in the 3- 6 age group to attract them to the anganwadi centres
7. Regularise ICDS and recognise anganwadi workers and helpers as Grade III and Grade IV government employees
8. Minimum wages applicable to skilled workers and semi skilled workers should be paid to anganwadi workers and helpers respectively
9. No opening of mini anganwadi centres; convert all the mini anganwadi centres into full fledged anganwadi centres and appoint helpers. Pay equal wages to the anganwadi workers working presently in the mini anganwadi centres.
10. Wages of anganwadi employees should be linked to the Consumer Price Index
11. Provide pension and gratuity to all the anganwadi workers and helpers being retired from service; formulate welfare fund for anganwadi employees at the national level
12. Free medical treatment should be provided to anganwadi employees for all illnesses in all the government hospitals; all the medical expenses incurred by them should be reimbursed
13. Yearly increment should be given to both anganwadi workers and helpers. Pending this, the increment available to the anganwadi workers should be extended to the helpers also
14. Proper guidelines for the appointment of anganwadi helpers should be formulated and implemented
15. The work of anganwadi workers and helpers should be clearly defined and no additional responsibilities should be given to them
16. Uniform service rules should be applicable to all the anganwadi workers and helpers throughout the country
17. All Eligible anganwadi helpers should be appointed as anganwadi workers
18. Anganwadi Centre Leaving Certificate from the Anganwadi worker should be made compulsory for admission in primary schools
19. Monthly Project meetings should be conducted in all the Projects regularly, for both the anganwadi workers and helpers, and the day to day problems encountered by them while discharging their duties should be discussed in these meetings. Travel and daily allowances should be paid to all the anganwadi workers and helpers whenever they are called for any official meeting, including when they are called separately for the payment of their wages. TA/ DA should be paid regularly every month.
20. Grievance Redress Committees should be constituted in all the states at the state and district levels by including representatives of the anganwadi employees.
21. Strengthen ICDS and convert anganwadi centres into Day care cum crèches
22. Pucca buildings with all facilities like toilets, sanitation and provision for potable water etc should be constructed to house the anganwadi centres in all the projects in the country. Till such time, Rs. 1,200/- and Rs. 500/- per month should be paid as rent for anganwadi centres in the urban and rural/ tribal projects respectively.
23. Summer holidays should be given in all the states
24. Supervisors should be appointed only from the eligible anganwadi workers
25. Anganwadi workers and helpers should be given preference in the appointments for post like ANMs, Primary School Teachers, Village Servants, etc
26. There should be no restrictions on the political activities of the anganwadi employees, including the freedom to participate in any election, till such date as they are recognised as government employees, when the service conditions as applicable to government employees may be applied to them
27. Recognise the Right to Organisation and Collective bargaining of the anganwadi employees
28. Recognise AIFAWH as the representative of anganwadi employees in the country and hold regular discussion with its representatives on all issues concerning them
29. Corruption should be eradicated in the implementation of ICDS