F.No.26-2/98/2001-CD-II CD-1
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Women & Child Development
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-1
Dated: 28.2.2001
The Secretaries incharge of Departments dealing with ICDS in all States/Uts.
The Directors incharge of ICDS in all States/Uts
Subject: Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme: - Paid absence on maternity and abortion/miscarriage to Anganwadi Workers and Helpers – Revised guidelines.
I am directed to invite attention this Ministry’s letter No.19-17/88-CD dated 19.4.89, wherein it had been indicated that an anganwadi worker or a helper, who had put in at least one year’s service, might be allowed paid absence on maternity twice for a period of 3 months and paid absence on abortion/miscarriage one for 42 days only.
The matter has been reconsidered in the context of the recommendations of the National Committee to review the working conditions of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers under ICDS Scheme. It has been decided in partial medication of existing instructions, the anganwadi worker and helpers may be given the facility of “paid absence on maternity/abortion/miscarriage” on the following lines:-
Paid absence on maternity
This will be for a period of 135 days and may cover any period beginning from the 8th month of pregnancy.
Paid absence on maternity would be admissible for a maximum of 2 occasions.
Paid absence on maternity will be admissible only to Anganwadi Workers and Helpers with less than two surviving children.
Paid absence on abortion/miscarriage
This will be for a maximum duration of 45 days from the date of occurrence of abortion/miscarriage.
Paid absence on abortion/miscarriage would be admissible only on one occasion, in addition to the paid absence on maternity as mentioned in (b) above.
Paid absence on abortion/miscarriage will be given to Anganwadi Workers and Helpers irrespective of the number of children.
Paid absence on maternity and/or abortion/miscarriage would be admissible to such anganwadi workers and helpers as have already completed at least 1 year’s service as such as worker.
Other terms and conditions for the grant of paid absence on maternity and abortion/miscarriage would continue.
During the paid absence of an anganwadi worker or helper on maternity/abortion/miscarriage, alternative arrangements may be made so that the activities of Anganwadi Centres are not affected.
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India